Decree N°79 – 189 of 17 May 1979 to lays down rules and regulations governing the delimitation of boundarie of urban centres
Mindful of the Constitution of 2 june 1972, as amended by Law N) 75 – of 9 May 1975 ;
Mindful of Ordinance N° 74- 1 of july 1974 to establish rules governing land tenure as amended by Ordinance N° 77 – 1 of 10 january 1977 ;
Mindful of Ordinance N° 74 – 2 to establish rules governing state lands amendes by Ordinance N° 77 – 2 of 10 january 1977.
1 (1) The classification of an agglomeration as an urban centre, the fixing of its boundaries and subsequent modification to the latter shall be declared by decree.
(2) The land situated within the boundaries thus marked out shall be urban.
2. The boundaries of an urban centre shall be fixed according to the following procedure :
(1) On the initiative of the Minister in charge of Lands, the competent Senior Divisional Officer shall convene a boundary commission composed as follows :
the Sub divisional Officer or District Head of the areas ;
the Mayor of the Council concerned ;
a representative of the local Surveys Service ;
a representative of the local Town Planning Service ;
a local dignitary.
(2) The commission shall inspect the boundaries of the future urban centre and establish a plan showing the north point and indicating how the land is occupied. The plan shall be signed by all the members.
(3) The plan referred to in the preceeding paragraph together with the report of the commission shall be forwarded to the Minister in charges of Lands, for the approval of the President of the Republic, in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 1 above.
(4) From the plan thus approved, the Town Planning service shall draw up a master plan of the town under the conditions provided for by special instruments.
(5) The state may within the urban boundaries, incorporate in this private property in accordance with the procedure provided for by the law, the parcel of land required for the installation of government services or the execution of projets and activities of an economic social and cultural nature.
(6) This decree which repeals all previous provisions repugnant hereto shall be registered and published in the Official Gazette in French and English.
Yaounde, 17 May 1979.
President of the Republic